Making Markets Work For Electric Consumers
By understanding and influencing the Market Rules, our clients are reducing costs and taking advantage of opportunities afforded by the electric markets.
We attend designated ISO-NE and NEPOOL stakeholder Committee meetings and advocate on behalf of our clients. Prior to each meeting, we review agenda items and identify issues impacting our clients. Working with the client, we develop positions on voting issues and advocate on behalf of them. After the meeting, we continue working to help assure the best possible outcome for our clients based on final Committee actions.
We analyze and report on emerging market issues and wholesale market developments, evaluate their impact on our clients, and help the client to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate the adverse impact of any such developments.
In addition, Energy Market Advisors will prepare strategic assesments and targeted analysis on specific issues identified by the client.
Energy Market Advisors provides support and analysis in the areas of resource planning, transaction analysis, portfolio management, and risk management.
Our Services
Energy Market Advisors seeks to make electric markets work for consumers in the New England region and beyond. By understanding and influencing market rules, our clients are better able to reduce costs and take advantage of opportunities afforded by competitive electric markets.
Virtually all electricity produced and consumed in New England is overseen and passed through wholesale markets operated by ISO New England Inc (ISO-NE). ISO's three key roles are: to coordinate and direct the flow of electricity throughout the region to maintain a balance between electric consumption and electric production, to oversee and administer settlements between entities withdrawing power from the grid and injecting power to the grid; and to prepare studies to identify future electric system needs.
ISO-NE operates under authority granted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). These market rules have become extremely complicated and often need updating based on changing conditions in the region. Under its federal charter, ISO-NE is required to consult with regional "stakeholders" before any of these rules can be changed. Understanding this process and trying to influence these outcomes can be challenging and takes a greater time commitment than smaller not-for-profit entities can afford. Energy Market Advisors provides the expertise and focused insight that such entities need to be effective in this process and better serve their customers.
Brian Forshaw is the Principal of Energy Market Advisors LLC. Brian has been responsible for power supply planning, resource procurement, portfolio management, strategic planning, and enterprise risk management on behalf of municipal electric utilities for over 35 years.
After spending his first summer after graduating from college scalping Red Sox tickets, Brian worked for two years for Thomte & Co., a commodity futures trading advisor. He began working for the Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative (CMEEC) in 1980 as it began operations.
Brian has been involved in virtually every wholesale electric market design initiative put forward by ISO-NE and its stakeholder advisory group, the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL). He has been elected as the sector Vice-Chair of the Publicly-Owned Entities Sector and served as the NEPOOL Chairman during 2010 and 2011.
Brian has more experience and knowledge of the ISO-NE processes and rules, and how they affect New England electric consumers and public power systems, than virtually anyone else in the region. He has been directly involved in development and review of every major market design initiative in New England since the mid-1990s. Few in the region can demonstrate such depth and breadth of leadership experience with a focus on doing what is right for electric consumers.
37 Mullen Hill Road, Waterford, CT 06385
Tel: 860-460-5408
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